July 15, 2014
Contacts may be convenient alternatives to eyeglasses, but they come with a couple of drawbacks too. Repeated purchases can be a hassle not only to you but to your budget as well. Then there’s having to carefully and thoroughly clean and sanitize the lenses. Another issue about contact lenses that may put your eye health at risk is the possibility of corneal neovascularization.
What is corneal neovascularization?
This condition is characterized by the growth of blood vessels into one’s cornea. This can be a problem as the cornea supposedly does not have any blood vessels (making LASIK a safe surgery since blood loss is not possible). The cornea only gets its oxygen and nutrients from the atmosphere itself.
One common cause of corneal neovascularization is the cornea’s lack of oxygen, which is known as corneal hypoxia. When this happens, it is the eye’s compensating action to grow abnormal blood vessels around the cornea. What’s worse is that these blood vessels will never go away once it has appeared there.
How can LASIK help?
Having contacts on all day can deprive the cornea of enough oxygen. This is when LASIK surgery comes in. If you wear contact lenses most of the time, it might be time to consider laser correction surgery for your eyes. With LASIK surgery, your cornea will be reshaped directly, giving you a much clearer vision.
If you are interested in LASIK surgery, call us today at 602-258-4321 to request a consultation with our team of LASIK experts. We look forward to hearing from you!